Kristen Lampe, Carroll University faculty

Dr. Kristen Lampe

Professor of Mathematics 262.951.3036




Dr. Lampe's early research was in the area of Algebraic Combinatorics, while her most recent explorations and publications involved the mathematics of games of chance such as poker. She enjoys teaching a variety of mathematics courses at Carroll University at all levels of the curriculum. One regular course Dr. Lampe teaches is Modern Geometry, in which students learn that a triangle’s angles do not necessarily sum to 180 degrees.


  • Washington University, Ph.D. in Mathematics
  • University of Dayton, B.A. in Mathematics

Scholarly and Professional Achievements


"The Effects of Online Mathematics Homework on Learning, Attitude, and Efficacy in a College Calculus Class - A Case Study", PRIMUS, Volume 33, Number 10, 2023
Co-authored with Dr. Kim White

“Taming the Wild Cards in Poker” Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, Volume 14, Number 4, Spring 2016. Co-authored with Bjorn Ager-Hart, student

“Relating a Counting Algorithm to the Jacobian Conjecture” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 80, No 4, 2012"Reconciling Wild Cards and Poker" CHANCE, Volume 24, No 4, 2011

"Pen Pals:  Practicing Problem Solving" NCTM's Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Volume 14, No 4, 2008. Co-authored with Linda Uselmann of Edgewood College

“Shuffle Up and Deal: Should We Have Jokers Wild?” The Electronic Proceedings of Undergraduate Mathematics Day, University of DaytonMay 2006.

“Once in a Million Years: Understanding the Magnitude of Geologic Time” Co-authored with Dr. Susan Lewis and Andrew Lloyd., September 2005

“Board Day in the College Curriculum” Co-authored with Dr. David Feil of Carroll College. The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher, January 2005

“A Counting Formula for Labeled, Rooted Forests” Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 1, 2002

Service to Carroll University and Profession

Institutional Service

  • Faculty President of Carroll University, 2013-15

Professional Service

  • Chair of the Wisconsin Section of the Mathematical Association of America, 2010-11

What is your teaching style?

This really depends on the course. Some courses are lecture-based with student participation, while others are flipped in format with a more activities-based class session.

Why do you do what you do?

Mathematics is the most amazing subject to study. I really enjoy helping students grow in their mathematical journeys, and I really enjoy thinking about and doing mathematics.

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